Have a look at that thread: ... highlight= . One of the post, the one of BarryG explains how to load the sample with 4 gig on XP.
I followed Barry's receipe and was able to load the sample on the first load, everything but the Voix Humaine without tremolo. Since the first load takes close to 22 minutes, I would recommand you to be very conservative with the options (do exactly as describe by BarryG). Once load, check the free memomy on your computer with the task manager; on my system I had about 250 000 of free memory (BarryG had about 323 000).
After a successfull load, you might want to load one more 16' sample in stereo... and wait 22 minutes...
Don't go to low because the system can become unstable. Don't forget to use the /3gb in your boot.ini file.
Even with these settings the sound is great!
Have fun