Good news!
The very first version is ready and can be downloaded from my server. Please be aware that this is really a first cut, there will be improvements soon. Most noticable is the GUI, which is HW1 alike at this point. As soon as I get my hands on a nice royalty free image of a mellotron (e.g. an M400 model) I will make a good looking GUi for it. Also I'm sure some samples may use a little retouching.
Here's what's under the hood:
The samples have been recorded by Bernie Kornowicz aka tajiguy on the KVR forum. Over the past years he recorded a set of Mellotron tapes and made these available for free to anyone who might like them (thanks Bernie!!!)
Here is the link to Bernie's download site, which also includes some notes about the history of the particular samples:
All I did for the Hauptwerk version is to rename the samples following the Hauptwerk naming scheme, applied a little eq (he recorded the samples with the tone control cranked up all the way, which makes them unnaturally bright), and added the markers required by Hauptwerk to play them. However, I purposely did not loop the samples, i.e. the original characteristic of the mellotron with notes ending after 7-8 seconds is retained.
Licence: The samples and the Hauptwerk ODF associated with it are free and may be freely distributed. It is NOT allowed to sell the samples in any form, you may however modify the samples or the Hauptwerk mellotron to your linking and share the result freely with others, as long as you're not asking for money. (I'll create a more precise wording of this in the near future, but for now you get the idea).
I'll put up some information and links on my website soon, but meanwhile:
Here is the download link:, samples and ODF are not encrypted, so you can modify as much as you like. Also, this works great with the Hauptwerk Free Edition!