Hello Keith,
I do not understand how to get the Choir Swell Pedal to work ...
The floating Swell pedal idea takes the Hauptwerk floating divisions concept and applies it to expression pedals. To be able to fully control the Hereford 67XL, you would need 3 expression pedals (not to mention another pedal to control the Crescendo facility). I suspect that many people (like me !) don't have that luxury, so this allows the three enclosed divisions to be controlled by a single physical swell pedal. The tab stops that route the floating pedal to the virtual enclosires allow any combination of Swell, Choir and Solo boxes to be adjusted.
However, I can see that if you are using individual sliders to control the enclosures separately, then the floating pedal is not required. As you've found, you can right click on both the Swell and Solo pedals to auto-detect settings. Although the Choir pedal is not displayed, you can still use the auto-detect facility by choosing "Organ settings | Organ expression/Crescendo Pedals and Sliders/Knobs" and then clicking on the CHOIR entry. You can then click on the auto-detect button and move the slider you wish to assign to this function.
Hello David,
The Stops & Piston screen shows the new stops, as does LH Jamb and RH Jamb, but the Console view doesn't- however it does remove the 16' solo mini-pistons but still has the former layout. Intentional or a Bug?
Intentional I'm afraid - the perils of deciding to come up with an extended version after the graphics had been finalised. I did consider doing away with the Console page altogether, but felt that it was still of some use to have displayed keyboards and expression pedals (eg for auto-detect and testing). Redesigning that page would have taken a major effort which was difficult to justify. The Stops+Pistons screen is intended to be the controlling screen for those with just a single monitor. The 16' Solo mini controls have gone as a result of the 16'/8' combined stops being separated - only the 8' versions are accessible on the Console page.
Hope that all helps ...