Tue Jun 06, 2023 11:54 am
I’m not sure whether your aim is an accurate recreation of those Wurlitzers, or an instrument which is as comprehensive and useful as possible. If it’s the latter, it occurs to me that the Paramount sample sets include celestes for the Dulciana, Concert Flute, Salicional, Quintadena, and Horn Diapason. I find these useful for adding richness to those quieter sounds.
It can also be useful to have a “straight” Diapason chorus – 61 note ranks for a 4ft Principal, 2ft Fifteenth, a Mixture (3 ranks?) and maybe a Twelfth, to go with either the Open Diapason or the Diaphonic version – whichever you consider the most suitable at 8ft. One is then moving towards a “dual purpose” specification, and some of the most effective UK theatre organs are of this type – e.g. the Compton in Southampton Guildhall and the HNB/Christie in the Dome Brighton.
I have achieved a similar result at home with a second computer running HW4 and the 1966 Schantz sample set – no longer available from Evensong but it works well for me. I then had Jake import a few stops from the Hereford Cathedral sample set – the Great 2nd Diapason, Solo Tromba and a few pedal stops. I also have a tremulant to the Great, which I think was not present in the original. With those resources I can play just about anything, and it’s surprising how well the different ranks blend.