Milan Digital Audio are currently emailing coupons to all existing Hauptwerk v2/v3/v4 users (via the email address that we have on file them) to allow buying Hauptwerk v5 licences at discounted 'upgrade' pricing.
If you buy a perpetual licence for Hauptwerk v5 (whether as a full new licence, or as an upgrade via a coupon) then you will receive a perpetual v5 licence. From a functional/technical point of view the result is identical in either case, and there are no time limits (or temporary licences) in either case.
However, if you buy an upgrade to Hauptwerk v5 (as opposed to a full new licence) then you do need to follow the instructions (which will be emailed to you when buying the upgrade) to use v5's 'File | Initiate migration of Hauptwerk pre-v5 sample set licenses to this version' menu function. (As mentioned in my previous posts in this topic:
viewtopic.php?f=10&t=17833#p133611 ), using that function and submitting the resulting file (in the way covered in the emailed instructions) will result in licences for any existing sample sets you may have being migrated to v5 and deposited in your iLok account. Migrating the licences will render your pre-v5 Hauptwerk USB Key (including all of its sample set licences) subsequently unusable in any Hauptwerk version. You will not be able to use any of your existing iLok-licensed sample sets in v5 until you have migrated their licences.
If you buy an upgrade to Hauptwerk v5 (as opposed to a full new licence) but you don't have any pre-v5 Hauptwerk USB Key-licensed sample sets (or if you don't want to use them in v5 yet), then technically you could defer using the 'File | Initiate migration of Hauptwerk pre-v5 sample set licenses to this version' menu function for while, so that you could retain the ability to continue to using your pre-v5 version with its sample sets. However, you must use the migration function by the 1st October 2020. Also, you must not sell, transfer, or give away your existing pre-v5 Hauptwerk USB Key, or use it to run v4 simultaneously with v5 -- doing any of those things would be in breach of the licence agreement.
If you wanted to retain the ability to keep using your pre-v5 Hauptwerk version and its sample sets indefinitely, whilst also using v5, then you would need to buy a full new licence for v5 (as opposed to an upgrade) as well as full new licences for any sample sets that you wanted to use in v5.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.