Hello Pharny,
PCF wrote:Just to confirm, the additional division should be a standard division to allow the two additional (custom) couplers? I have a few divisions, both standard (all of them) and non-standard (a few). So I will have to move the two swell divisions to non-standard divisions if the additional division should be a standard division. Then I can connect them with custom couplers.
It doesn't particularly matter whether you make the new division a 'standard division' and the other two 'non-standard', or the other way around. Depending on which approach you choose, you would just need to set the relevant stop codes, coupler codes, Rank.WindSupply_DivisionCodeOfWindchest attributes, Stop/Coupler/Tremulant.OverrideSourceDivisionToSpecifiedDivisionCode attributes, and Coupler.OverrideSourceDivisionToSpecifiedDivisionCode/OverrideDestDivisionToSpecifiedDivisionCode attributes, accordingly (depending on how you want stops'/couplers'/tremulants' states to be stored in divisional combinations, how you want the wind supply model to be configured, coupling, etc.).
PCF wrote:In addition, as most of the divisions have octave couplers, should I set the two new couplers to:
Coupler.CoupleDestinationKeyboardRatherThanKeyAction = Y
For each logical Swell coupling function (e.g. a Swell Octave coupler, and/or Swell to Great coupler), assuming you want to have just one user-accessible coupler which affects both of your existing 'split' divisions equally, you would probably want to keep coupling at the division level, setting the couplers' target divisions (e.g. OverrideDestDivisionToSpecifiedDivisionCode) to be Swell-A (not the new division), and then also create a duplicate set of non-displayed couplers (with AccessibleForMIDIInputAndOutput=N, StoreInDivisionalCombinations=N, StoreInGeneralCombinations=N) which perform the same coupling as their Swell-A counterparts, but this time with targets of Swell-B, and which copy their states from the counterparts (CouplerCodeFromWhichToCopyState).
Have a look at ExampleCustomOrgan2. It has a 'split' Swell division (Swell reeds, and all other Swell ranks), so you could use it as an example for how to do what you're aiming for, including how the relevant divisions, couplers, combinations, wind model, etc., are implemented.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.