Hello larason2,
Very briefly, I'd suggest:
Have a look at the standard St. Anne's ODF, which has a blind crescendo and isn't encrypted. I'd recommend exporting it to a SQLLite database, then using something like the freeware DB Browser for SQLite ( https://sqlitebrowser.org/ ) to open the resulting database (which will be in [HauptwerkUserData]\OrganDatabases ) to browse the tables.
If I recall correctly, in it you'll find that there is a non-displayed/non-MIDI-accesssible latching node switch for each crescendo stage, being toggled on/off via ContinuousControlImageSetStage objects as the crescendo pedal increases and decreases. There are also other non-displayed/non-MIDI-accesssible non-latching node switches for each rank, with the latching crescendo stage switches connected to them via Switches and SwitchLinkages which implement the crescendo programmer on the virtual console panel, and which 'add' to the user registration (because the rank nodes are momentary, and thus can have more than one source holding them in the on state).