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HW 7 pistons, set, gen cancel

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HW 7 pistons, set, gen cancel

PostFri Sep 22, 2023 8:26 am

I had HW4 working fine with buttons onscreen in a sidebar numbered 1-10, a "set" button and "cancel" button (basically what one expects to find on an organ).

After upgrading to HW7, this sidear disappeared, and I've never been able to get it back. Navigating the HW menus is a nightmare. There are about six billion options, none of which bring the basic piston / cancel buttons back.

So: pistons, a "set" button and general cancel button. Where are these, please?

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Re: HW 7 pistons, set, gen cancel

PostFri Sep 22, 2023 8:52 am

Hello Aah,

I assume you're referring to Hauptwerk's piston toolbars. They work the same in Hauptwerk v7 as they did in v4, in that:

- You can open/close them via "View | piston toolbars" from the main menu, with an organ is loaded.

- You can drag them around using the small grey 'handles' at one of their ends. When one is floating, if you move it to an edge of the corresponding Hauptwerk window, you can 'dock' it along that edge. (Each of the piston toolbars is named according to the one of the four virtual console windows that it belongs to.) You can also 'float' a docked piston toolbar by dragging its handle away from the edge in which it is docked.

- You can assign different functions to their buttons by right-clicking on those buttons. For example, to assign the 'SET' function to one of their buttons on a per-organ basis, you could right-click on the button select "Override menu function assignment (for this organ only) | Registration: miscellaneous | Setter on/off".

The "Control panels and piston toolbars" section in the Hauptwerk user guide covers to use them in more depth, within pages 70-75 in the v7.0 version of the guide.

Does that solve it?

[I'll move this topic to the 'Technical support' section of the forum once you've had a chance to read it.]
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.



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Re: HW 7 pistons, set, gen cancel

PostFri Sep 22, 2023 9:30 am

Thanks Martin, I had tried all the options under "View / piston toolbars (for this organ)" and none of them are what I expect to see. On the first option there sre indeed "set" and "gen cancel" buttons, but the rest of the buttons are all something else which I don't need, and there is no set of 1 2 3 buttons to set. When I tried to "override" or chose some other option for a button, it didn't do anything. So it appears useless.

I understand there is a manual for this, and I'll go read it, but honestly why should this be so difficult? An organist expects to have some pistons to set and use. The software is quite expensive. Just my opinion: it should not be this hard.

EDIT 1: I tried "override" again and this time it works, no idea what happened before.

EDIT 2: I found out what didn't work before, looks like a bug: If a button is selected prior to "override", the button does not update. You have to click on it with the mouse, then it updates.
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Re: HW 7 pistons, set, gen cancel

PostFri Sep 22, 2023 9:49 am

Hello Aah,

[Topic moved here.]

Do you mean that you want the stepper's "xx0" to "xx9" functions assigned to the piston toolbar? If so, they aren't pre-assigned, but you can easily assign them by right-clicking and assigning the "Registration: combination stepper | Stepper: trigger cued xx0 ... xx9" functions to your desired buttons.

Also note that in Hauptwerk v4, functions could only be assigned on a per-organ basis, whereas in v7+ you can also/instead assign them for all organs, if you prefer. If you want to do that, with the organ loaded:

1. In case you have some existing per-organ assignments, first go to "Organ settings | Organ configuration wizard" and untick all of the 'reset' options, except for "Clear piston toolbar ... assignments that have been overridden for this organ ...", then click through using the Next/Finish buttons to complete the wizard.

2. Then assign the functions you want to the pistons by right-clicking on them, using the "Assign a different menu function (for all organs ...)" sub-menu.

3. If needed, you can repeat just step 1 with each other organ you use (to clear any existing per-organ assignments for it).
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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Re: HW 7 pistons, set, gen cancel

PostFri Sep 22, 2023 9:56 am

Thanks, Aah.

aah wrote:EDIT 1: I tried "override" again and this time it works, no idea what happened before.

EDIT 2: I found out what didn't work before, looks like a bug: If a button is selected prior to "override", the button does not update. You have to click on it with the mouse, then it updates.

P.S. I replied prior to seeing your edits.

Glad to hear it's working for you now.

The buttons do refresh correctly for me using Hauptwerk v7 (or v8) on Windows, but I recall from your previous topics that you're using a Mac. There were some situations whereby redrawn things wouldn't appear to update immediately on the screen in recent macOS versions with Hauptwerk v5-v7. Hauptwerk v8 uses more recent versions of Apple's and Qt's libraries which should resolve those things on recent macOS versions.
Best regards, Martin.
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Re: HW 7 pistons, set, gen cancel

PostFri Sep 22, 2023 10:00 am

Thanks, those steps work. I'm just looking for master general buttons.

Now I've got the buttons, but MIDI detect isn't working. Obviously, this is a different problem. I'll see if I can sort it out.
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Re: HW 7 pistons, set, gen cancel

PostFri Sep 22, 2023 10:19 am

Thanks, Aah.

aah wrote:I'm just looking for master general buttons.

In you haven't already found those, they're under "Registration: master general combinations" in the right-click sub-menu of assignable functions.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.

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