New Photos of my final Virtual Organ Setup
Here is a link to flickr (no sign-up necessary) with the latest photos of my build. descriptions are with each photo and the album proper.
I realized that the last console was too big for my apartment and the full-sized pedalboard had to have a new fulcrum replaced so the search was on for a new build and with prices going through the roof on all things wood I have tried to reuse as much oak that I have along with having to find a good chassis or basis for my build.
I found a Hammond Aurora organ on of all places Craig's List. It was about 60 miles away and super cheap @ $250.00.
The Organ still worked and was in perfect condition. I still dismantled it completely, but I have about 9" worth of diagrams and installation guides from the Hammond company. This is for a later date - much later.
I refinished the case of the console, built a platform for the console and a separate one for the pedalboard and bench as the console did not conform originally to AGO/BDO standards. When complete it will fix this issue.
I also had to use a weighted Cantilevered system to support the manual overhang of 8.5". The build completely complies with AGO/BDO standards and is 29.5" from the top of the bottom keyboard keys to the pedal "e" key. 8..5" from the front of the bottom keyboard to the pedal sharps - I am also using an Allen Princess pedalboard which is roughly 1/2 the size of a standard pedalboard (and about 100 pounds lighter) BUT the front of the pedalboard keys is about the same in size so the keys fall naturally and comfortably within normal playing. My Bench is set normally away from the manuals but is way over the back of the pedalboard to be comfortable and normal playing.
I have added several LED components and 3 new LCD screens from MIDI Boutique to handle the Organ Name, Temperament; Combination Name and Favorite Level; The Stepper Frame and Level, The Status of the Last button used and the Name of the Button. These are amazing game changers.
I have also added my Power Music (UK) Capacitative Touch Screen PDF Reader which allows for perfect landscape/portrait display of the music (it does take quite a long process to get an image ready to use) but the ease of use is incredible - a game changer along with the European Stepper system. I also have a USB keyboard which the colors of the backlights can be custom as well as the key caps used to go between compositions, Turn pages, Bring up the task bar, Go between full screen and normal, Go forward/back to a D.S or D. C Capo. This runs on an independent NUC Computer which is the size of the palm of my hand. It runs on Windows 10 and there is no fan.
I also have a LaunchPad Mini which takes the English Combination System into consideration and use, Had 8 Levels of Memory for the Capture System. Supplies all of the Hauptwerk functions (and not available on the native HW instrument)for Coupling for up to 4 Manuals/Pedal. Recording system and added features for toys and the stepper system such as 0, 00, 000, +. -
If you have any questions feel free to add them here.