to light LED’s, you need to specify a pin as output, then write HIGH to the pin using Digitalwrite. To turn it off, switch the pin back to input. You have 125 LED’s, so just to run those you could either get two more Arduino Mega’s, which would run them all handily, or a get a single Arduino and get a bunch of 74HC138 demultiplexer boards. There’s a tutorial here to show how to wire them so that with only 4 pins, you can control up to 8 LED’s. ... _page=trueYou can also chain them to get up to 32 LED’s controlled on 4 pins using an inverter. Even this way though, you still need 16 free pins, so you wouldn’t be able to wire up your whole console project on one Arduino. You wouldn’t need a mega for the LED’s though. You could easily get away with a Due if you had 16 of the 74HC138 boards. If you didn’t want to mess with wiring them in groups of 4 with an inverter, you could also get a mega, and wire each 74HC138 boards to their own 4 pins. You would also need the 125 LED’s and a appropriate resistor for each.