Mon Sep 13, 2021 4:17 pm
I think it's a good idea to check the midi signals using midi ox or Midi monitor, or some similar app. That will help you narrow it down. If you still get midi signals on the midi monitor, even though they don't go through to Hauptwerk, it points to how Hauptwerk is configured. If you're not getting midi signals, that points to the Motu interface. Another possibility is that it is the pedalboard encoder. Without turning the pedalboard off, if you connect it to another Midi interface (such as that on a digital keyboard), does it still work? If not, it points to the encoder. Just because it's sending midi signals doesn't mean it's working properly, since the signals could be corrupted. Another test would be to switch around which inputs are which on the Motu, and see if you still get the same problem on another Midi input port.