If the question is whether there is an orchestral sample set available for Hauptwerk: I would say this is possible, and I think it would be awesome, but sadly I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist (aside from some experiments in that direction). Hauptwerk has some very advanced features that would make that kind of sample set amazing, but I think it would require someone from the established players in that field to use their samples and expertise to make it, and they are generally already invested in other software.
If you're interested in software that can be played along side Hauptwerk, some do exist, and there has been generous mention of others who have used them for an orchestral trumpet, for instance. A similar question has been raised on the Organ Forum: https://organforum.com/forums/forum/organ-building-repair-restoration/virtual-organs/33909-can-one-play-organ-sample-sets-and-instrumental-samples-simultaneously-with-hauptwerk). Be warned though that setting up your computer to run both Hauptwerk and another program such as this can be quite complicated. As the above source mentions, others have connected a Midi module that has orchestral sounds to get the same thing, and that solution has its pros and cons, and also can be tricky to set up properly.