Installing Noordbroek

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Philip Powell
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Installing Noordbroek

Post by Philip Powell »

Hello everyone!

I have always had issues when downloading sets from Sonus Paradisi and I am finally determined to find out why (there has been way too much frustration over this!) I have been trying to download and install the Noordbroek organ (the core version for evaluation). I also had the same issues with Buckeborg. Here is what I have done with Noordbroek:

- I have downloaded the 4 parts of the demo/core package using Free Download Manager onto a 1 TB external hard drive connected to my HW running PC.
- I have checked the checksum of all files and they have all been good and matching.
- I have put all 4 files into a folder titled "Noordbroek" (I've also tried them outside a folder).
- I have attempted to install the first part.
- I have fixed the files using WinRAR, checked checksums, and retried the installation.
- I have added "part01" or "part1" or "r00" or "r01" before and after the "CompPkgHaupterk" and retried the installation.

I am completely lost as to what I may be doing wrong - the naming might be the issue since only 2 of the files show up in HW when I try the installation but I have gotten all 4 before and still no luck! I have never had any issues with downloading and installing sets of other producers.

I have attached the error message that I get from Hauptwerk in the link. If anybody could offer suggestions or a dummie's guide of the whole process, I would be deeply grateful. Thank you and God bless! ... share_link

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Re: Installing Noordbroek

Post by mnailor »

Volume 0 has 4 part files, which don't require any renaming or fixing at all (at least on Windows), since the checksums match. Did you not keep the original filenames during download and save?

I installed volume 0 by selecting the first part file, and one install operation unpacked all the files.

Can't download your error message on my tablet so I don't know that part of your problem description -- transcribing the text into your post would be better.
Philip Powell
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Re: Installing Noordbroek

Post by Philip Powell »

mnailor wrote:Did you not keep the original filenames during download and save?
Yes, I tried that the first time. Thanks!
Philip Powell
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Re: Installing Noordbroek

Post by Philip Powell »

Ok, I downloaded the 4 sets using Free Download Manager all into one common folder, did not change the names, and attempted to install them 7 times - it only worked on the 7th go!
I have absolutely no idea why it took so long especially considering not once did the checksums not match up. Either way, it looks like my problem (for at least this set) has been solved. Sorry for what might have been amateur questions - I guess "try, try again" was the best solution!

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Re: Installing Noordbroek

Post by mdyde »

Hello Philip,

I'm not sure whether you meant that it worked after the 7th download attempt, or after the 7th installation attempt from the same set of downloaded files, but some quick thoughts, in case they help:

- The filenames and extensions must be *exactly* unchanged. Sometimes Web browsers or download managers alter the file extension(s) or insert extra bits into names (e.g. appending a number if there's already a file of the same name in the same directory). You might not easily be able to tell that the extensions have been changed unless you have specifically turned off the default Windows option for hiding file extensions for known types.

- Also, *all* of the parts must be present in the same directory. If any one is missing (or has an incorrect name/extension), installation will fail.

- Rarlabs' UnRar utility is used by Hauptwerk to do the extraction. Hauptwerk v7 had the latest version of UnRar at the time that v7 was released, which might conceivably be more resilient than ones included with earlier Hauptwerk versions (in case that applies).

- After getting an installation error in Hauptwerk, using "Help | Show activity log" may show additional useful information, such as the list of matching files that were found in the directory, and the specific error message text that UnRar reported.

- Extracting can be memory intensive, so make sure no organ is loaded when attempting installation.

- Similarly, make sure that the operating system's system drive isn't nearly full (since the operating system might need temporary swap file space on it during extraction).

- It might also be worth checking the computer's RAM for errors.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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