Reverb for One Organ

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Reverb for One Organ

Post by Tompion »

I'm hoping this is a simple question to which someone will be able to provide an answer.

Most of my sample sets have significant reverberation from the church acoustic. However, I recently acquired an interesting and enjoyable, but dry, new sample set: .

One of the demo performances of the sample set is on Contrebombarde, where the performer provided details of the HW reverb he uses with this organ:

I had a look in the HW manual and installed the reverb. It works well with the new sample set. But when I checked one of my other sample sets, I saw that the mixer preset for it also has the HW reverb.

One solution is that I turn the amount of reverb down to zero for each individual sample set where I don't want it. But I'm hoping there is a simpler solution. Despite trying to find it in the manual, I haven't found how to install an HW reverb for just one individual organ .

Any help would be much appreciated.
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Re: Reverb for One Organ

Post by mnailor »

I can think of three ways.

1. Like you found, you can add the reverb to your existing output bus(es) and set the wetness scalar to zero for the organs that don't need it.

2. Set up a second mixer preset and put the reverb on that preset's output bus(es). Only organs that need reverb use the second preset. This is probably the best solution for most people.

3. Add extra group(s) and bus(es) with reverb to your existing preset, pointing to the same output channels, and route the ranks of organs needing reverb to the new reverb groups. That's what I do so I can add reverb to dry ranks and not add reverb to wet ranks in the same organ, by sending the ranks to different groups.

None of those methods cost any noticeable processing time because Hauptwerk is careful to not process mixer components, including reverb, that aren't routed through from any ranks on the current organ. Zero wetness scalar also eliminates any reverb processing.
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Re: Reverb for One Organ

Post by mdyde »

Hello Bruce,

To add to Mark's reply (thanks as always, Mark), my personal inclination would be use Mark's 'method 2', i.e. on the Audio Mixer screen remove the reverb from mixer preset 1, add it instead to another mixer preset (e.g. mixer preset 2), then select that mixer preset for the dry organ(s) (on the "Audio mixer, routing and voicing/panning settings" large control panel).

[I'll move this topic to the "Amplification" section of the forum once you've had a chance to read it.]
Best regards, Martin.
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Re: Reverb for One Organ

Post by 1961TC4ME »

Here's yet a even more simple solution that requires no fiddling around. Martin will have to confirm if I have this right but here's what I've done.

Hauptwerk when installed gives you 3 (or is it 4?) instances of HW you can use via the 3 icons that should be present on your desktop.

What I've found is what you do in one instance of HW (add reverb, etc.) does not follow to the next, so they are independent of each other. So I use one instance for all my wet sets where I do not want to add any reverb, and I use a second instance of HW where I have added reverb for the sets. A good example of this is I use the second instance of HW and have added just a bit of reverb to my Paramount sets which come stone dry.

This method works well for me. How does that sound? (No pun intended.) :mrgreen:

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Re: Reverb for One Organ

Post by Tompion »

Many thanks to all three of you who responded to my question.

At the present time, I have only one dry sample set so I'll use option #2. I've installed it and using a second mixer bus does exactly what I was hoping for.

I'm going to print this thread and keep it for future reference in the even that I acquire additional dry sample sets.
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Re: Reverb for One Organ

Post by mdyde »

Thanks, Bruce. Excellent.

[Topic moved here.]
Best regards, Martin.
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Re: Reverb for One Organ

Post by vpo-organist »

@Tompion (Bruce):
When you have gained a bit more experience later, it is always better to set up the original channel in bus 0001 and route the same ranks to a second bus (e.g. bus 0002), which is then played with IR.

With this procedure, you can use the Wet% control to variably adjust the reverb intensity of the second bus or play the original acoustics with the 0% setting.

SP offers IR packages with several IRs per room. You can get fantastic results for dry sets by using multiple IRs in a room with different IR parameters. But you need some experience so that it doesn't sound artificial.

My favorite at the moment is Jablonne, but you can also achieve great results with the Zwolle IR.

What I'm trying to say is that there's a lot more you can do with Hauptwerk!

Best regards
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