Transfer of Licenses to New Owner During Upgrade

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Transfer of Licenses to New Owner During Upgrade

Post by rayjcar »

I'm planning an upgrade for an organ which was gifted to a young organist. The organ has V4.2 installed on an old Macbook Pro. The Macbook OS cannot be upgraded to the level required for Hauptwerk 8, so the computer will be replaced with a Windows PC.
My question relates to the logistics of doing the upgrade for the V4.2 software and sample sets purchased by the previous owner. I want to purchase an upgrade package from V4 to V8, not a new package. Does the upgrade package care that the V4 license and sample set license on the old Sentinel Hasp had a previous owner?
I believe I saw and earlier post that said that there is no prohibition on transferring the Hauptwerk application or sample set licenses, but I can't find the link, but does the previous owner have to be identified to effect the transfer?

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Re: Transfer of Licenses to New Owner During Upgrade

Post by mdyde »

Thanks, Ray.

There's no problem in doing that -- it doesn't matter that the v4 licence and sample sets had a previous owner (unless any relevant non-MDA sample set makers specifically disallow transferring licences in the licence agreements), and there's no need to identify the previous owner when upgrading.

The licences will currently be within the v4 dongle. During the sample set licence migration process the v4 dongle's contents will be erased and the equivalent v5+ licences deposited in the specified iLok account.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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