Proper Way to Re-Install Hauptwerk 8

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Proper Way to Re-Install Hauptwerk 8

Post by rayjcar »

I have migrated Hauptwerk 4 to Hauptwerk 8 on a Windows computer for colleauge, but have had several issues:
1) The first, which really had me tearing out my hair out was that the Presonus 1818VSL sound interface wouldn't operate with the Windows 10 compatible drivers in the Universal Control software. It turns out that a firmware update had to be installed - twice. But it also required registry edits to allow the interface to start, even though it was recognized.
2) Another issue is that when I try to load a backup file to restore previous settings, the popup gives me the choice of restoring everything or doing a selective restoration, but there is no button available, and it was necessary to shut down Hauptwerk from the Windows task manager because I couldn't back out of the screen.

There are also issues with the audio configuration, so all of this leads me to think that I should reinstall Hauptwerk 8. What is the proper way to do it? Is it necessary to uninstall it first, use something comprehensive like Revo Uninstaller, or can the installation file be run from scratch? What is the checksum for the installation file?

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Re: Proper Way to Re-Install Hauptwerk 8

Post by mdyde »

Hello Ray,
rayjcar wrote: Sat Oct 05, 2024 8:04 am 2) Another issue is that when I try to load a backup file to restore previous settings, the popup gives me the choice of restoring everything or doing a selective restoration, but there is no button available, and it was necessary to shut down Hauptwerk from the Windows task manager because I couldn't back out of the screen.
That's actually a minor known bug in Hauptwerk v8 (a fix for which will be included in the next Hauptwerk version), but it has very easy work-arounds:

"since v8.0.0, when restoring a backup on Windows (not macOS), the wizard's 'Next' and 'Cancel' buttons could be positioned off the bottom of the window, requiring the wizard to be resized vertically manually to see them."

If you drag the bottom of the window to make it a bit taller you should then see the buttons. Alternatively, you can use Alt+right//left-arrows to move forwards/backwards through the wizard's pages.
rayjcar wrote: Sat Oct 05, 2024 8:04 am There are also issues with the audio configuration, so all of this leads me to think that I should reinstall Hauptwerk 8. What is the proper way to do it? Is it necessary to uninstall it first, use something comprehensive like Revo Uninstaller, or can the installation file be run from scratch?
Rather than reinstalling, you could try just using "File | Revert all Hauptwerk settings to factory defaults". That would entirely clear all settings (global, and per-organ for all organs).

If you also want to remove combinations and installed organs, then use Hauptwerk's uninstaller via Windows' "Apps" control panel to uninstall, selecting the option to remove all settings and files. That will remove everything.
rayjcar wrote: Sat Oct 05, 2024 8:04 amWhat is the checksum for the installation file?
The checksums for the current v8.0.1 installer are here: ... 78#p156778
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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Re: Proper Way to Re-Install Hauptwerk 8

Post by rayjcar »

Martin, thanks for your usual prompt reply. The audio configuration appears to have been sorted out by re-installing the sample set (Redeemer Skinner) and reconfiguring the audio settings for multiple speakers from scratch. We had tried resetting the settings before, but to no avail.

I'm inferring from your answer that, should the need arise, it isn't possible just to reinstall Hauptwerk and having it overwrite the existing files, as that would overwrite existing ODFs etc.

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Re: Proper Way to Re-Install Hauptwerk 8

Post by mnailor »

Reset should have cleared the categories of settings you selected, but if you canceled the imposed backup, it doesn't go through with the changes you requested. I don't usually need the extra backup, but have had to learn to be patient when I want to reset organ settings.

Re-installing doesn't overwrite ODFs or other sampleset components, since it leaves samplesets alone. It's running as the Hauptwerk installer, not the sampleset installer.
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Re: Proper Way to Re-Install Hauptwerk 8

Post by mdyde »

Thanks, Ray.
rayjcar wrote: Sat Oct 05, 2024 11:09 am I'm inferring from your answer that, should the need arise, it isn't possible just to reinstall Hauptwerk and having it overwrite the existing files, as that would overwrite existing ODFs etc.
If you run the Hauptwerk installer without uninstalling first it will replace the Hauptwerk executables and St. Anne's, but (intentionally) it won't clear or overwrite any of your settings files, combinations, or any other organ. To overwrite any given organ definition you would need to reinstall that particular sample set (organ definition) using "File | Install ..." in Hauptwerk. Note also that you can clear/reset any type of organ settings, and/or combinations, for any given organ by using "Organ settings | Organ configuration wizard".

Edit: P.S. Mark and I replied at the same time.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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