New bugs in HW 9

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New bugs in HW 9

Post by pengdahl »

I just upgraded from HW 8 to HW 9, and I decided to do a fresh install to test out the new "simple" interface.
I have discovered a new bug that is caused by moving the option to save control panel positions globally instead of per-organ.
Specifically, if you load an organ with several manuals (I'm using Matyas II, which has 5 manuals), and enable the option "Registration: master couplers to IV", then load an organ with fewer manuals (such as St. Annes Moseley), this view option is no longer available, because there are only two manuals. If you then load the larger organ again, the view option has been turned off (incorrectly - it should still be on).

I would assume that saving the window positions per-organ would fix this, but this sort of issue should be able to be fixed relatively easily with a patch to the software.
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Re: New bugs in HW 9

Post by mdyde »

Thanks, pengdahl.

Yes -- I found that too, and fixed it for the forthcoming v9.0.1, which we aim to release soon. My apologies for the oversight.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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