Pedals playing second manual randomly!

Connecting Hauptwerk to MIDI organs, sequencers, ...
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Pedals playing second manual randomly!

Post by Andrew »

Hi all,

For some strange reason, while I was playing (everything working fine) the pedals started to play notes on the second manual (positive). I closed the organ I was playing, then went through the steps of General Configuration Wizard, and the Organ Configuration Wizard. When I went through the 'Auto detect' setup for manuals and pedal, each time I tried to set up the second manual, it informed me that the pedals were already set up to play this manual (even though I hadn't been through 'Auto Detect' for the pedals). It gave me the option of simultaneously playing second manual and pedal or just playing second manual, so of course I selected "only this manual." I also went through 'Auto Detect' for the pedals. I assumed this would work fine. Normally I press the lowest and highest note when doing 'Auto Detect' but I did notice this time that when I pressed just one note (lowest) the message box already indicated that the setup was 'Done.' However, both manuals ended up working fine, but as soon as I pressed a pedal it didn't activate the pedals but the second manual. The green MIDI light did illuminate when I pressed the pedal. It seemed to activate middle C or D, even when I pressed the lowest note on the pedals.

I tried the same set up on a second organ sample set, but had exactly the same problem.

I'm hoping that no one has had this problem (!) but if you have any suggestions, please let me know what to do.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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Re: Pedals playing second manual randomly!

Post by mdyde »

Hello Andrew,

When Hauptwerk isn't running, try try running MIDI-OX ( - for Windows) or Snoize MidiMonitor (for macOS) to see exactly what MIDI messages the console is sending to the computer as you play the respective keyboards. Each keyboard should be sending MIDI note-on/off messages on a single (and constant) MIDI channel, and nothing else. Also, if the keyboards are connected to the computer via the same MIDI port then their MIDI channels must be unique, so that Hauptwerk can tell them apart.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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Re: Pedals playing second manual randomly!

Post by Andrew »

Thank you, Martin.

I will look into it and see how things go. I'm just surprised how the fault just occurred so randomly.
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Re: Pedals playing second manual randomly!

Post by mdyde »

Thanks, Andrew. Hope it's resolved easily.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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Re: Pedals playing second manual randomly!

Post by Andrew »

Hello Martin,

After turning off power to the whole system, and then restarting, everything works as before!
Hopefully the problem doesn't resurface.

All the best,
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Re: Pedals playing second manual randomly!

Post by mdyde »

Thanks, Andrew. Excellent.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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