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Weird extended notes
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:17 am
by tf11972
Hello all,
in my new sampleset I have extended the manual compass to 61 keys (C - c4). But the extended notes partially sound weird or not clean. Because of the extension, I cannot correct them.
Which notes does HW choose for the extensions? Or does it choose them randomly?
Thanks in advance.
Re: Weird extended notes
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 11:29 am
by mdyde
Hello Thomas,
[Topic moved here, since only the CODM can automatically 'extend' ranks.]
If you specify a CODM ODF's rank to have a compass upwards beyond that of the samples then Hauptwerk will re-pitch the highest sample for each of those additional pipes. Conversely, it will re-pitch the lowest sample if extending downwards.
Since re-pitching samples to higher/lower notes will inherently adjust their attacks/decays (as well as frequency content), you can usually get better results by making the additional samples yourself in an audio editor (e.g. by re-pitching them manually, then applying filters and/or envelopes to them).
Re: Weird extended notes
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:06 pm
by tf11972
Thank you for your quick reply, Martin!
Re: Weird extended notes
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:18 pm
by mdyde
Thanks, Thomas. You're very welcome.
Re: Weird extended notes
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 7:52 pm
by ldeutsch
If you are only extended a few notes (such as from A-a4 to C-c4) then the difference in the attack and decay should not be noticeable. If your extended notes sound weird, this may be another problem. Check the highest "real" pipe in the errant ranks to make sure there are no defects on those samples. Any defects will be extended to the new notes and might have very strange results. If this is the case, remove the grant sample (or rename it so HW does not find it) and try again.
Its an entirely different story if you are extended the ranks by an octave or more...
Re: Weird extended notes
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:10 am
by tf11972
Hello Les,
the given compass of the organ is from C to a3, hence I only extend a few notes. I will check them and if I don‘t find errors I reduce the compass to it‘s original range.