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Hauptwerk software....2 0r 3 keyboards plus pedals

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 12:52 pm
by Dale Carrigan
Looking to upgrade organ from stock organ software. Is it a waste to order software for 3 manuals if I only have 2

Re: Hauptwerk software....2 0r 3 keyboards plus pedals

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 12:59 pm
by mdyde
Hello Dale,

To use a three manual sample set from a two-manual console you could either:

a) Simply auto-detect the third virtual manual to one of your MIDI manuals in addition to the other virtual manual that's already auto-detected to it (i.e. so that it always plays both simultaneously). Or:

b) Play the third division solely via couplers. Or:

c) Use Hauptwerk's 'floating divisions', which allow you to 'flip' a MIDI manual around dynamically amongst several virtual manuals.

Re: Hauptwerk software....2 0r 3 keyboards plus pedals

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 2:44 pm
by Dale Carrigan
Thanks for the great (no pun intended) answer. Is this a "norm" for an organist looking for "bigger sounds"?

Re: Hauptwerk software....2 0r 3 keyboards plus pedals

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 3:54 am
by mdyde
Thanks, Dale. You're very welcome.
Dale Carrigan wrote:Is this a "norm" for an organist looking for "bigger sounds"?
Undoubtedly lots of people do use sample sets with more manuals than their MIDI keyboards in those ways.

Re: Hauptwerk software....2 0r 3 keyboards plus pedals

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:34 pm
by HeAu
mdyde wrote:
Undoubtedly lots of people do use sample sets with more manuals than their MIDI keyboards in those ways.
Me too :D

Merry Christmas!