tremulant compatibility

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tremulant compatibility

Post by marclabru »

I've been reading several places that if there is only 1 tremulant waveform in a sampleset you should make copys (18) in a folder and rename it similar to the tremulant waveforms in the St Annes example organs. I tried using wiht only one tremulant waveform directly from the original organ (Friesach and Szczecenick) and it works. It sounds exactly the same as when I make a new folder with copies. My question is: Is it really necessary to make a new folder with copies when it works? are there any dissadvantages?
I understand that one has to make a new folder when the files are in the wrong format, but I don't understand why it is necessary to make copys if there is only one file and it works.
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Re: tremulant compatibility

Post by mdyde »

Hello marclabru,

There's no technical reason not to use just one waveform for a whole rank, and/or to share it between multiple ranks. I don't think Hauptwerk's Custom Organ Design Module documentation says anything to the contrary.

The shapes and modulation depths of real tremulants often vary across each rank's compass, and for different ranks, which is why St. Anne's has multiple (different) tremulant waveforms. I.e. in the case of St. Anne's, multiple different waveforms are used solely for realism, and they were generated from real recordings of the ranks.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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Re: tremulant compatibility

Post by marclabru »

Thank you for clearafying!
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Re: tremulant compatibility

Post by mdyde »

Thanks. You're very welcome.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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