Some time ago I read this document on setting up a multi-channel system. I believe is was six channels, with cycling among ranks and octaves. Unfortunately I didn't save it, and it's not showing in my download file.
I have Googled for the precise title of the document, and can't find it. There's no link on the POW site. Can anyone help?
Paramount Organ Works Recommended Audio Configuration
Re: Paramount Organ Works Recommended Audio Configuration
Hello Ray,
I don't have a copy of the document, but if I recall correctly it related to Hauptwerk v4, and was intended to ensure that the pipes were distributed evenly by the "octaves and ranks cycled" algorithm, based on the RankIDs within the Paramount organ definition files. In Hauptwerk v5+, on the rank routing screen you can instead use the "... ranks constant" algorithms and specify the "Allocation algorithm note offset" values for the ranks yourself, rather than relying on however the RankIDs might have been set in the ODF. Hence the document may be less relevant now.
I don't have a copy of the document, but if I recall correctly it related to Hauptwerk v4, and was intended to ensure that the pipes were distributed evenly by the "octaves and ranks cycled" algorithm, based on the RankIDs within the Paramount organ definition files. In Hauptwerk v5+, on the rank routing screen you can instead use the "... ranks constant" algorithms and specify the "Allocation algorithm note offset" values for the ranks yourself, rather than relying on however the RankIDs might have been set in the ODF. Hence the document may be less relevant now.
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
- IainStinson
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- Posts: 1438
- Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:08 pm
Re: Paramount Organ Works Recommended Audio Configuration
I found two Paramount documents about audio setups.
These are for HW 4.2 ( or earlier).
I've posted these on the links below. I hope the Paramount people don't' mind.
Iain ... outing.pdf
These are for HW 4.2 ( or earlier).
I've posted these on the links below. I hope the Paramount people don't' mind.
Iain ... outing.pdf
Re: Paramount Organ Works Recommended Audio Configuration
Thanks Iain. That's what I was looking for. As Martin points out, the later versions of Hauptwerk may preempt this, but that and the 450 document are useful in working my way through the multi-channel setup. This is for someone else's organ, which happens to have V4.2 Hauptwerk anyway.