DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

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DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by Whrrr »

Good morning,

Does anyone happen to know if DHMidi-Organs is still trading? I placed an order for a sample set on their website and other than the automated confirmation have received no download and no reply to subsequent enquiries.

Just wondered if anyone had any info or similar experience?

Many thanks,
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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by mdyde »

Hello Mark,

As far as I know, Douglas and his company are fine. Perhaps he's away for a few days, or perhaps there was a technical problem with email, or similar.

I've sent him an email too, referring him to this thread, in case he hadn't received your emails.
Best regards, Martin.
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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by Whrrr »

Thank you for your help with this. Douglas has made contact and all is well.

Best wishes,
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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by mdyde »

Thanks, Mark. Excellent. You're very welcome.
Best regards, Martin.
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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by Whrrr »

When trying to install the Rotterdam Transept sample set I receive an error message 0068 saying I don't have a license for this set. I have updated the HW master licenses as it suggests, reinstalled and restarted the computer etc. but no joy. I agreed to the T&Cs on the Sonus Paradisi account for each specific product.

I have emailed Douglas but thought I would post it here too in case it's a HW issue that I'm not aware of.

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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by mnailor »

If you have the surround or dry sampleset, you need the iLok license for it activated to your iLok cloud or USB key. Only the wet version doesn't need a license. You should receive an activation code from DH to redeem in iLok Manager.
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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by JulianMoney-Kyrle »

I recently bought a sample set from DHMidi. After placing my order via his Web site I sent an email as I hadn't heard anything for several days. Douglas replied that he was on holiday and would process it on his return, which is exactly what he did. I appreciated him taking the trouble to interrupt his holiday in order to answer my email. Once he got back, I received an email from him with the download links and an iLok activation code.

He has always dealt with any problems or queries promptly and thoroughly, and he is certainly a reliable source of sample sets from those European providers who are unable to sell directly to the UK post-Brexit.
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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by Whrrr »

Thank you for pointing me to this - I've found the iLok code on the SP account page.

User error...!

Many thanks,
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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by Whrrr »

Sorry - me again! I'm now having problems installing the larger Rotterdam main organ set. When trying to install, I get an error 1166 and the following log:

2024-11-29-23-09-18: INF:1219 Component installer starting to process multi-part package: 'E:/Downloads/Rott_Surr.part01.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar' (4293918720 bytes) with additional parts present in folder: 'Rott_Surr.part02.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar' (4293918720 bytes), 'Rott_Surr.part03.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar' (4293918720 bytes), 'Rott_Surr.part04.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar' (4293918720 bytes), 'Rott_Surr.part05.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar' (4293918720 bytes), 'Rott_Surr.part06.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar' (4293918720 bytes), 'Rott_Surr.part07.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar' (4293918720 bytes), 'Rott_Surr.part08.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar' (4293918720 bytes), 'Rott_Surr.part09.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar' (3364960861 bytes), 'Rott_Surr.part10.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar' (4293918720 bytes) (total size: 40064.08 MB, removable media: N, auto-install: N).

2024-11-29-23-09-18: INF:1169 Calling third-party executable 'C:/Program Files/Hauptwerk Virtual Pipe Organ/InternalResources/unrar.exe' with arguments: 'x -o+ -ai E:/Downloads/Rott_Surr.part01.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar E:/Hauptwerk/HauptwerkSampleSetsAndComponents/TemporaryFiles'

2024-11-29-23-09-18: INF:1164 Extracting from E:/Downloads/Rott_Surr.part01.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar

2024-11-29-23-09-18: INF:1164 WARNING: You need to start extraction from a previous volume to unpack OrganInstallationPackages/000892/swellAB/delene/AB_roerquint223_L/rel00200/057-A.wav

2024-11-29-23-10-10: INF:1164 OrganInstallationPackages/000893/swellRE/Re_terz315/055-G.wav - checksum error

2024-11-29-23-10-10: INF:1164 Total errors: 2

2024-11-29-23-10-10: ERR:1166 The file</B> 'E:/Downloads/Rott_Surr.part01.CompPkg.Hauptwerk.rar' <B>couldn't be extracted</B>. <BR><BR>Likely causes of errors are that the file was <B>corrupted during download</B>, and will <B>need to be downloaded again</B>, or that media on which it was supplied <B>couldn't be read</B> properly, or that you may have <B>run out of disk space</B>. <BR><BR>The activity log will now open to show details of the error(s).<B>

Only one of the ten downloaded files has a .rar extension in the file name, but when I rename the other nine as rar files in the same format as the transept organ files, it makes no difference. The original files had the part number as the extension so HW wouldn't recognise them as installation files, hence the need to rename.

Are the files I'm downloading from Sonus Paradisi corrupt? I've made several attempts at downloading. Do I contact SP or the UK supplier?

Thank you for your help,
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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by giwro »

Whrrr wrote: Fri Nov 29, 2024 6:19 pm Sorry - me again! I'm now having problems installing the larger Rotterdam main organ set. When trying to install, I get an error 1166 and the following log:

Only one of the ten downloaded files has a .rar extension in the file name, but when I rename the other nine as rar files in the same format as the transept organ files, it makes no difference. The original files had the part number as the extension so HW wouldn't recognise them as installation files, hence the need to rename.

Are the files I'm downloading from Sonus Paradisi corrupt? I've made several attempts at downloading. Do I contact SP or the UK supplier?

Thank you for your help,
It appears the downloads are a multipart install file - if that is the case, when you renamed the extension, you broke the multipart.

With a mutipart install, only one of the files will have the .rar extension, the rest will be something like .r01, .r02 etc. The unRAR utility literally LOOKS for those files, so if you rename, you've broken it.

Also, with a multipart file, you only need select the file with a .RAR extension, HW will automatically reassemble the archive with no further intervention needed.

Hope that helps
Jonathan Orwig
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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by Whrrr »

Ah - ok, that makes sense. I've only ever seen multiple rar files so this is new for me. Thank you - I will see what happens now.

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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by vpo-organist »

SP provides an MD5 hash for each file. Each file should be checked with it after downloading.
There are instructions for this in the forum.

I have developed my own tool for the Hauptwerk community (only for Windows). Here is the link to it.

I've updated the Tool to .NET9, here you can find it.

Here ist the Link to the original thread: https://forum.hauptwerk.com/viewtopic.php?t=21062
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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by mdyde »

Hello Mark,

To add to Wolfgang and Jonathan's replies, these are alternatives for checking MD5 checksums:

- On Windows: you can use a freeware utility, such as this one: https://www.winmd5.com/
- On macOS: https://osxdaily.com/2009/10/13/check-m ... n-your-mac

Also make sure that you have downloaded *all* of the parts of the sample set into the same folder. (I don't know how many there should be for that sample set, but if one part is missing, or is incorrectly named, you may get an error message misleadingly saying that a file is corrupted.)
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by vpo-organist »

Here is a screenshot of the current version ws.HashGen2.2

You only need to carry out steps 1-4. It's really easy.
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Re: DHMidi-Organs - UK reseller

Post by Whrrr »

Thank you. I managed to verify the checksums, put everything together and all is up and running smoothly.

Great support and info - many thanks.

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