Ordering prebuilt custom PC from online companies

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Ordering prebuilt custom PC from online companies

Post by mnailor »

Has anyone ordered a custom prebuilt PC from a company like Adamant or via Newegg to use with Hauptwerk? If so, would you be willing to share how it worked out? Thank you.

I'm thinking about where to get my next PC, maybe a Ryzen 9950X or Intel Ultra 285K (when available). I've used Dell for a long time, but they haven't had desktops with 128 GB non-ECC RAM for over a year now, and their ECC workstations are out of my price range.
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Re: Ordering prebuilt custom PC from online companies

Post by smfrank »

I bought my last PC through François Ratté http://www.hauptwerkconsultant.com/contact-us.html
It was a very easy process and he fine-tuned the PC for HW before shipping to me.
We discussed my needs beforehand, and he knows this stuff cold.
The price was very good, too.

[Edited by admin to replace contact email address with a link to the contact page on Francois' website, to try to help prevent spam.]
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Re: Ordering prebuilt custom PC from online companies

Post by mnailor »

Thank you.
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Re: Ordering prebuilt custom PC from online companies

Post by larason2 »

I've bought electronic parts from Newegg. They do a pretty good job. It gets here fast, it's well packed, they have a good selection.

I've had many Dell computers, but I got fed up with them when I wanted to upgrade the RAM, but the only RAM that worked was a "proprietary" one that couldn't be ordered except through them. I also used to build my computers, but the technology and skills are so specialized now. How do you hook up liquid cooling? I have no idea, I don't want it to leak! There is so much to compatibility now, what if the motherboard isn't the right one, and it's not actually compatible? I haven't kept up with those things.

So I'd get Newegg to build it for you if possible, or a local company that has someone that knows what they're doing. It's nice to be able to pick it up or have it delivered in a working state. I just went through the configurator, there's a lot of options! Then, you'd still have to do the performance tuning yourself. It would be nice to just have Francois do that all for you!
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Re: Ordering prebuilt custom PC from online companies

Post by mnailor »

Thanks! I'm happy to do performance tuning and testing on my own, but definitely want to buy from a commercial company's menu.
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