VST Editions ?

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Charles Braund
Posts: 345
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2004 6:09 pm

VST Editions ?

Post by Charles Braund »

Having just upgraded Cubase to Version 14, I found that several pieces of VST software were reported as missing including Hauptwerk.
Further investigation showed that Cubase 14 no longer handles VST 2 plug-ins unless specifically instructed to do so and support for VST 2 instruments and effects is being withdrawn.
According to Cubase, Hauptwerk etc. is VST 2.
In the end, not a problem since I was eventually able to find a box to tick which allowed me to scan and thus 'rediscover' the missing VST instruments and effects and then use them as normal. However, future editions may not even allow VST 2 instruments and effects at all.

Previously, Cubase 'discovered' VST's automatically so I wasn't even aware that there was a VST 3 protocol.
I don't know whether other VST hosts work in the same way or not.

Obviously, it wouldn't affect most HW users but for those who run HW as a VST instrument, it is rather important.
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Re: VST Editions ?

Post by mdyde »

Hello Charles,

Yes -- we're aware that a VST3 port of the Hauptwerk VST Link would be highly desirable. (As you found, there is still an option in Cubase to enable VST2 support.)
Best regards, Martin.
Hauptwerk software designer/developer, Milan Digital Audio.
Charles Braund
Posts: 345
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2004 6:09 pm

Re: VST Editions ?

Post by Charles Braund »

Thanks Martin.
As I said, I didn't even know that VST3 existed.
Just shows that many things aren't discovered until they get discovered by accident.
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